Gwen Montoya

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Being Visible in Your Business

Let's face it, being visible in your business is scary for many of us.

Saying something, having a position, and being seen can be scary.

You are putting yourself out in the world without a net, and you don't know what will happen.

Will someone love it (or me)?

Hate it (or me)?

Will it be good enough (will I be good enough)?

All of that and more can come up because we are doing a new thing and we are outside our comfort zone. If any of the above sound familiar, you aren't alone! Everyone’s comfort zone is different, so while you may be completely comfortable in one aspect, like blogging, you may be completely petrified in another, like public speaking.

I’ve listed two very visible, and frequently scary, ways to be visible – blogging and public speaking. However, there are all kinds of ways to be visible and help your business.

Perhaps you think the only way to be visible to go to networking event after networking event. While that’s an option, being visible goes far beyond meeting new people!

A business can't grow and thrive by using just one of these methods and nothing else, but done together in different combinations? That's effective.

Levels of Visibility to try:

Small ways (you can wear your pajamas)

*Talking about what you do on your personal Facebook/social media page (sharing an insight, experience, etc).

*Sharing a post from your biz page to your personal page.

*Creating a post in a Facebook group.

*Looking for networking events to attend (if you are a networking person).

*Reaching out (emailing/calling) to someone new.

*Emailing/calling a former client (sending a newsletter, etc).

*Replying to a Facebook post, engaging someone in conversation on Instagram or Twitter.

*Updating LinkedIn profile and posting there.

*Making sure your contact informaton is up to date wherever it is listed.

*Writing a blog post.

*Joining directories in your niche.

Medium ways (you probably shouldn't wear your pajamas)

*Taking flyers/info to places it would be well received (if that is something that works for your business)

*Talking about what you do with someone you meet (see end note)

*Using streaming a video to talk to your people.

*Making a how-to video or something else that is useful.

Big ways (definitely don't wear your pajamas)

*Public speaking.

*Meeting someone new for the first time.

*Going to a networking event.

End note - I don't mean - corner someone and make them listen to your pitch. But make talking about your business a part of your life. It is so easy to separate business life from regular life, but for most of us, our businesses are our passion - we do it because we love it. Talking about what we do keeps it alive and fresh.